a5c7b9f00b Since childhood, Benjamin Franklin Gates has known that he is decended from a long line of people whose job is to guard a treasure hidden by the Founding Fathers, who hid clues to its whereabouts in the country's currency and on the back of the Declaration of Independence. Now, he has learned of a plot to steal the Declaration, and has only one option: steal it himself. Even if he pulls off this monumental task, keeping the treasure safe is still going to be incredibly hard, especially since the FBI has also gotten wind of the scheme. A historian races to find the legendary Templar Treasure before a team of mercenaries. this movie is so bad I decided to log on to IMDb just so i can vote on it and write a review, which involved retrieving my password - THAT's how strongly i feel about this movie. The jokes were lame, poorly written and poorly executed; the clues were not smart; the plot was slow and dull; Nick Cage looked like a plastic man the entire time. Does he really think that goofy-half-raised-eyebrow look on his face looks cool? It made him look like a aging Ken doll. And his side-kick/comedy relief guy... all i can say is WTF. It was a bad movie all around - bad ending, bad beginning, bad lead-in. bad bad bad. But I gave it a 4 cuz Diane Kruger wasn't THAT bad. Kinda surprised to find out she was Helen of Troy, she didn't look as good as she did in this movie. Definitely someone to look out for in the future. Of course this movie is a simple version of "The Da Vinci Code" but at least it's more entertaining to watch. It has just as many vague and unlikely clues at some unlikely historical places and on historical items, that lead to even more clues about the location of a large treasure. <br/><br/>The whole concept of treasure hunting is of course one that really speaks to the imagination and this movie greatly takes advantage of this, by putting in the movie every formulaic element you would expect from a movie like this one.<br/><br/>It's not that the movie is bad but it just isn't anything fresh or renewing either. It's an Indiana Jones and "The Da Vinci Code" wannabe that doesn't add enough on its own to the genre. Nothing wrong with a little bit 'borrowing' from other movies, as long as it works good for the movie and its story. "National Treasure" is a movie that entertains but that's basically all there really can be said about the movie.<br/><br/>The story is fun and adventurous and the movie features some good actors that are being played by some surprising big names. The movie has some good moments and action sequences, that aren't too big (the movie most certainly does not look like an $100,000,000 movie) but are entertaining nevertheless.<br/><br/>The movie is good looking with a good visual style and a nice suiting action score from specialist Trevor Rabin.<br/><br/>It's a bit of a shame that the movie is just so formulaic. Nothing in the movie comes as a surprise and it features all of the typical elements you would expect from a movie like this one. At times the movie could had really used some more originality to make it more entertaining-, or at least less predictable to watch. Like I said before, the movie is still good and fun enough to watch but it could had really been so much better with a tiny bit more of originality of its own.<br/><br/>The characters are also quite formulaic, though it fits the genre well I guess; a friend turns villain, a love interest and a comical sidekick. Why do movies always think they should have comical sidekicks? It's starting to get really annoying, especially if the characters aren't even funny, like in this movie is the case. It sort of helps though that all of the characters are being played by some well known names. I like Nicolas Cage and he shows that he can also play a convincing main 'heroic' character. Sean Bean plays the villain and like expected he does this in a great way, like only he can play a villain. The movie further more also features Jon Voight, Harvey Keitel and Christopher Plummer in some smaller roles.<br/><br/>All good fun, as long as you don't expect something original- or to be blown away by it all.<br/><br/>6/10<br/><br/>http://bobafett1138.blogspot.com/ The film whirls by in a satisfying torrent of chases, escapes and discoveries. When Ben Gates (<a href="/name/nm0000115/">Nicolas Cage</a>) was a young boy, his grandpa, John Adams Gates (<a href="/name/nm0001626/">Christopher Plummer</a>), told him how, in 1832, Charles Carroll, the last surviving signer of the United States Declaration of Independence, entrusted his stable boy, Ben's great great grandfather Thomas Gates, with the first in a series of clues that supposedly led to a vast treasure amassed by the Knights Templar. Although Ben's own father, Patrick Gates (<a href="/name/nm0000685/">Jon Voight</a>), does not believe in the legend, Ben swore to take upon himself the duty of the Knights Templar, the Freemasons and the family Gates, and has spent his entire life trying to figure out the meaning of the clue: The secret lies with Charlotte. Finally, as an adult, Ben has found Charlotte and begins on his quest for the treasure. National Treasure is a Disney Production that was co-written by numerous screenwriters, including Jim Kouf, Marianne and Cormac Wibberley, Oren Aviv, Charles Segars, Ted Elliott, and Terry Rossio. A sequel, <a href="/title/tt0465234/">National Treasure: Book of Secrets (2007)</a>, followed in 2007. <a href="/title/tt1197627/">National Treasure 3</a> is currently in development with no release date known. The signers of the Declaration of Independence, some of whom were also members of the Freemasons, a reformation of the Knights Templar, hid the treasure during the American Revolution [1775-1783] to keep the British from getting their hands on it. Charlotte turns out to be The Charlotte, a sunken vessel in the Arctic Circle. Inside The Charlotte, Ben finds a meerschaum pipe bearing the second clue: The legend writ, the stain effected, the key in Silence undetected. Fifty-five in iron pen, Mr. Matlack can't offend. Ben deciphers the second clue to mean that the 55 signers of the Declaration of Independence hid the message invisibly on the back of the document. Ben must now inspect the Declaration, one of the most important historical documents in the United States. At the same time, Ben's ex-colleague, Ian Howe (<a href="/name/nm0000293/">Sean Bean</a>), has decided to steal the document and find the treasure for himself. Part of the experience in watching this movie is to try for oneself to decipher the clues and guess where they might lead, so posting that information would be a disservice. Suffice to say that the third clue presents an Ottendorf cipher that, translated, reads: The vision to see the treasured past comes as the timely shadow crosses in front of the house of Pass and Stow. The fourth clue is a pair of 3D spectacles. The fifth clue reads: Heere at the wall. The sixth clue revealed is Beneath Parkington Lane. Those schooled in American history might be able to figure out the clues for themselves. An Ottendorf cipher consists of three codes, i.e., 2-4-6, that corresponds to a random book or newspaper article. The first number corresponds to the page, the second number to the line on the page, and the third number to the letter/word in that line. Status quo refers to the way things are going at the present time, that is, the current status of things. If something changes, e.g., the power shifts, then the status quo also changes. After escaping from the treasure room, Ben contacts FBI agent Peter Sadusky (<a href="/name/nm0000172/">Harvey Keitel</a>) to return the Declaration. As they are attempting to work out a compromise, Ben sees from Sadusky's ring that he is a Freemason. They agree to give the treasure to "the people" in return for Abigail having no repercussions on her record, Riley being credited for the find, and Ben not having to go to prison. "Someone has to go to prison," Sadusky says, so Ben leads them to Boston where Ian is attempting to break into the Old North Church. Ian is arrested on charges of kidnapping, attempted murder, and trespassing on government property. In the final scene, Ben, Abigail, and Riley stroll in the garden of their estate purchased with the finders fee that they received after turning over the Declaration and the treasure. Some movies that also involve jumping through various hoops to find a valuable treasure include (1) <a href="/title/tt0033870/">The Maltese Falcon (1941)</a> (1941), in which a detective searches for a priceless statue, (2) <a href="/title/tt0079240/">The First Great Train Robbery (1978)</a> (1979), in which master criminals attempt to steal a gold shipment from a moving train, (3) <a href="/title/tt0137494/">Entrapment (1999)</a> (1999), in which two thieves plot to steal 8 billion dollars at the stroke of the transition from 1999 to 2000, (4) <a href="/title/tt0382625/">The Da Vinci Code (2006)</a> (2006), in which a symbologist Robert Langdon tries to unravel a chain of cryptic codes that could change the face of religious history, (5) <a href="/title/tt0808151/">Angels & Demons (2009)</a> (2009), in which Langdon follows a series of clues to find a destructive weapon that could level the Vatican, and (6) <a href="/title/tt3062096/">Inferno (2016)</a> (2016), in which Langdon is drawn by a trail of clues linked to Dante Alighieri [1265-1321]. Also of note are any of the Indiana Jones movies, i.e., <a href="/title/tt0082971/">Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)</a> (1981), <a href="/title/tt0087469/">Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984)</a> (1984), <a href="/title/tt0097576/">Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)</a> (1989), and <a href="/title/tt0367882/">Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008)</a> (2008), all of which center around Indy's search for various ancient artifacts.
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